Plugin Development – Create a custom Admin Menu Page On WordPress
Creating a custom admin menu page in WordPress can be a useful feature for plugin developers to add additional functionality and options within the WordPress admin dashboard. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating a custom admin menu page using WordPress hooks and functions.
To start, we need to create a new plugin or add the following code snippet to an existing plugin’s main file. Make sure to replace ‘my_custom_menu_page’ with a unique name for your menu page.
<?php add_action('admin_menu', 'flashify_add_custom_menu_page'); function flashify_add_custom_menu_page(){ add_menu_page( 'Custom Menu Page', 'Custom Menu', 'manage_options', 'my_custom_menu_page', 'flashify_render_custom_menu_page', 'dashicons-admin-generic', 80 ); } function flashify_render_custom_menu_page(){ echo '<h2>Custom Menu Page</h2>'; // Add your custom content here } ?>
The code above uses the WordPress function add_menu_page() to register a new admin menu page. The parameters passed include the page title, menu title, user capability, menu slug, callback function to render the page content, icon URL, and position in the admin menu.
Next, we define the callback function flashify_render_custom_menu_page() to output the content of our custom menu page. You can add any HTML, forms, or additional functionality within this function to customize your admin page.
Remember to prefix all functions with your unique prefix like ‘flashify_’ to avoid conflicts with other plugins or themes.
After adding the code snippet to your plugin, activate it in the WordPress admin dashboard. You should now see a new custom menu page under the ‘Custom Menu’ section in the admin menu.
Creating custom admin menu pages in WordPress allows plugin developers to extend the functionality of their plugins and provide users with a more intuitive and user-friendly experience within the WordPress dashboard.
For more detailed information and advanced customization options, you can refer to the official WordPress add_menu_page() documentation.