Understanding the WordPress Template Hierarchy
When it comes to developing themes for WordPress, understanding the template hierarchy is crucial. The template hierarchy determines which template file WordPress will use to display a particular page on your site.
WordPress follows a specific order when looking for template files to render a page. This hierarchy allows developers to create specific templates for different types of content without having to duplicate code.
Here is a breakdown of the WordPress Template Hierarchy:
mytheme/ │ ├── style.css ├── index.php ├── functions.php ├── header.php ├── footer.php ├── sidebar.php ├── screenshot.png └── assets/ ├── css/ ├── js/ └── images/The hierarchy starts with the most specific template file and falls back to more general templates if a specific one is not found. For example, if you have a page with the slug “about-us”, WordPress will first look for a template file named page-about-us.php. If that file is not found, it will fall back to page.php, and if that is not found, it will use index.php as the default template.
Understanding the WordPress Template Hierarchy is essential for creating custom themes and ensuring that your website displays content correctly. By utilizing this hierarchy effectively, you can create unique designs for different types of pages on your WordPress site.
For more information on the WordPress Template Hierarchy, you can refer to the official WordPress documentation.